Posts tagged volcanic wine
Beautiful Atlantic Islands Produce the Ultimate Volcanic Wines

The gorgeous Atlantic islands have been on top of mind for many people in the wine industry lately, as the wines being produced in places like the Canary and Azores islands are exciting and tremendously good. I have seen many great articles recently focusing on their many attributes. The vineyards are stunning… check out the above pictures of Pico and Lanzarote vineyards (l to r). Take a moment, take that in, have you ever seen vineyards that look like that? They are incredible. What’s even better, the wines from those vineyards are incredible. Volcanic wines are having a moment right now, but there are volcanic wines, and then there are Volcanic Wines! I have the images of these vineyards so interwoven in my mind that I see them in my mind's eye while tasting these wines. I go on a vacation with every glass of wine. And once you try these, I hope they will transport you, too. 

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